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Matt from X-Entertainment

I’m a month late posting about this, but if I hadn’t had a burning need to re-visit this in-depth article on Turtle Pies today I might have gotten this news even later than I did:

Matt from X-Entertainment, one of the oldest and best websites in the history of ever, has decided to close up shop. As he writes in his latest post:

Try this analogy on. It’s a bad one, but try it on anyway.

Let’s say X-E is my car. It’s been a great car. I’ve gotten a lot of miles out of this car, and it’s taken me to wonderful places. But it’s also grown really, really worn, and it’s finally hit a point where it makes more sense to buy something new than to continue putting money/effort into this one.

For the past decade or so, X-Entertainment has been my go-to source for fond remembrances of all things awesome from my childhood. Matt’s site, though a bit rough around the edges and at times hard to navigate, is like a virtual museum of ’80s pop culture, old toys, cult films, discontinued foods and other lovingly curated nuggets of nostalgia.

Just look at some of the things he has in his office:

Matt's Collection of Awesome Things

If you’ve ever thought, “Hey, I wonder if there’s anybody out there who remembers __________”, Matt was your guy. And he probably wrote a ridiculously detailed essay about it. Even though I will never support his assessment that The Worst Witch is the most disturbing movie ever, I love what Matt does and what he’s built over the years. It’s sites like X-Entertainment that inspired me to start blogging in the first place.

What’s Next?

Now Matt is embarking on a new journey into nerdstalgia with a new website that he describes will be “a terrific site, filled with weird and wonderful things. Plus whatever random crap I find in the clearance section on Amazon.” How’s that for a promotional teaser? Whatever Matt has in store for the new venture, it’s name is motherfucking Dinosaur Dracula! If that’s not enough of a reason to visit, I don’t know what is. will (hopefully) be launching in June. Until then you can get your nerd on by following Matt on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.