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The Office Season 9

Last night was the season premiere of The Office. It’s the beginning of the end for NBC’s Thursday night comedy staple, as this will be the show’s 9th and final season. Though I have my doubts about this season due to the cast members who left, I’m just so excited and happy that it’s back.

Since Steve Carrell’s exit, not many people care about The Office anymore, and that’s just fine. For the majority of those people, Michael Scott was the anchor of the show and viewers have steadily dwindled since his departure (and also because Jim and Pam are all boring nowadays). I, however, have been watching the show since the beginning and still find it genuinely hilarious.

As much as I loved Michael Scott, for me, the funniest moments of the show are contributed by the quirky cast of supporting characters–Toby’s seemingly endless misfortune, Meredith’s drunken antics, Creed’s steadily-advancing senility, Stanley’s reactions (of which there are only 2 possible: un-amusement and disapproval), or Darryl just being Darryl. I loved it when they brought in Kathy Bates, I’m think Gabe is hilarious (though I’m certain I’m in the minority on that one), and I thought James Spader’s bizarre, awkward turn as Robert California was brilliant and it kept me watching.

Last night it was Kevin who got the most laughs from me. He opened the show with an anecdote about a turtle–well, here, just watch it–I don’t want to ruin it:


Episode Review

SPOILER WARNING for the handful of you out there who even still care what goes on at Dunder Mifflin.

The rest of the episode was a bit of a mixed bag, but not in a bad way. Andy is back as manager, much to Nellie’s chagrin, and Erin is her usual ditzy, overly-enthusiastic self. Both Kelly and Ryan are gone (which is no surprise to anyone who’s been keeping up with casting news) but we at least got to see them get a nice little send-off. Toby is, of course, thrilled at this development. Taking their place are two new interns who have already been dubbed Mini Dwight and Mini Jim.

All is not well in Jimandpamlandia, however. Jim seems to be growing increasingly dissatisfied with his job/life and fantasizes about starting a new business with a buddy of his. Meanwhile, Dwight is eager to prove himself to the new guys and continue to assert whatever shred of authority he feels he has. Dwight is usually my favorite character, but I just wasn’t feeling it in this episode. His antics were a little too ridiculous this episode, even for Dwight. I guess he’s gone a bit crazy, well, crazier than usual since learning Angela’s baby isn’t his (sorry Team Dwangela). The most surprising turn of events, however, was learning that Oscar is sleeping with Angela’s husband. BOOM, as Andy would say.

Oh, and this also happened.

I think we’re in for a weird farewell season.

P.S. Will we ever get closure on that whole Scranton Strangler thing?